Ken has won the right to stay in the UK

We are delighted to announce that, after 5 years of battling with the UK Home Office – a fight which was increased in intensity in 2019 when Ken was threatened with immediate removal from the Country – our very own Ken, has won his asylum appeal and been granted refugee status.
Many of you will remember around 2 years ago, the Bisons were making headlines in our fight to keep one our own, Ken, from being deported to Kenya over concerns for his safety.
Firstly, we’d like to thank everyone for their continued support throughout the past couple of years. We still regularly receive messages asking as to the proceedings, anything that can be done, and Ken’s general well-being.
Unfortunately, due to advice on the legal proceedings, we have been unable to comment or raise discussion on the case, so that the experts could do their job.

This latest ruling, and confirmation that the Home Office will not appeal the decision, means that Ken has the right to live – and work – in the UK for the foreseeable future.
So once again, thank you to everyone who has offered their time, money and support throughout the fight.
#keepKenhome #keptKenhome #KenIsHome

See also:
Release from Ken’s Barrister, Dr Chelvan of 33 Bedford Row
Coverage of this part of Ken’s story is also available on Sky Sports and Sky News, The Guardian, BBC News, Bristol Post, and Pink News.